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A recap of WPCL’s 2023 annual retreat

A recap of WPCL’s 2023 annual retreat
25 Sep 2023 by Kelsey McMahon

It’s beneficial for any organization to pause, reflect, and ideate. This past July, Women of Peace Corps Legacy (WPCL)’s Advisory Board did just that at their annual retreat.

A total of 13 women gathered with three goals in mind:

  1. Create an environment to strengthen connections among Advisory Board members.
  2. Set values and a vision for the next five years to build on our ten years of success.
  3. Draft a strategic plan framework with actionable objectives to further our mission.

To deepen our personal connections with one another, the day kicked off with each board member sharing a photo that sparked joy and its sentimental meaning.

The women then got down to business, splitting into three smaller groups for a branding activity to write  down key words they associate with WPCL. The larger team then narrowed the list to four core values and developed a supporting vision statement.

Women of Peace Corps Legacy Values: community, empowerment, intergenerational, celebration

Our Vision Statement: We envision a diverse Peace Corps community supporting the empowerment and education of women and girls globally.

Representatives from each of the five committees – Awards, Fundraising, Mentoring, Outreach Events & Communications, and Officers – presented their goals with actionable steps for goal achievement. Collectively, these goals would provide the framework for the organization’s strategic plan for the next five years.

The board and committee chairs will refer to the values and our mission statement when planning events and special programs. You can also expect to see them take a prominent place on our new and improved website being developed – stay tuned!

The day concluded with a gratitude exercise in which every member shared what they appreciated about the person to their right. The WPCL team was buzzing with excitement for the organization’s future!

Here’s what a few board members shared after the event:

“What a great retreat! It is no surprise we love this organization - it is because of women like you all,” gushed Maryann Minutello.

“It is a gift to be among such thoughtful, engaged, wise women. Onward and upward,” said Lynn Kneedler.

“It was a very productive day, but I most appreciated the chance to get to know the other women on a more personal level,” shared Kelsey McMahon.

  1. If you would like to be part in next year’s retreat and take a more prominent role in the WPCL community, consider joining the Advisory Committee. Simply email us at and we’ll share details on our next meeting. We hope to see you soon!